Friday, August 29, 2008

Leaving Nassau

Helloooo Friends,

Thanks to all the friendly emails and good memories of time recently spent in Santa was great to see friends and colleagues for surfing, dinner and, even work, last week and I wish that your training and opening preparations go well, even in the face of roaming power outages on the west side of campus in Santa Cruz.

For us, we've been blessed by a brief (24hr) stop in Nassau. After clearing the ship for customs, Heather and I had an hour or so with some new ship-friends to find a small clean-ish beach near the ship's harbor to take a warm Caribbean dip. We hurried back to the ship for a parent's reception and to perhaps ease some of anxieties and celebrate some of the hopes for these nervous and excited parents of our students. We managed to escape the ship again to visit a local establishment, avoid the Noro-virus causing conch ceviche and drink a local brew called Kalik in time for the Obama acceptance speech for the Dem's nomination. An historic speech no matter your politics.

Today was a whirlwind of helping students leave their duct-tape at the gangway (30 rolls collected) and helping them find their rooms, find the dining room and find their life vests for the life safety drill. Heather found some time to sneak away and get some stamps! The best t-shirt we saw for sale was "Bahaman's for Obama." Random, I know.

I'm getting to know all the students now, slowly and by repeting their names, home towns and majors to them. I'll be they love that:)

keep in touch,



Anonymous said...

Aloha to you guys! sounds like you are off and crusing around. Wow, 800 students, thats huge. Do you guys have towel folding activities...just kidding, lol. I really enjoyed the 4 day cruise i went on and just can't wait to hear about your 4 MONTH adventure. Lots of waves and sun here. It's totally beautiful and I see rainbows everyday. We had a teacher inservice day today, ekk, its wierd being on the other side of the table. I gotta go to meetings and the kids get off. Yeah, not fun stuff, but I bring my swim suit with me to work and hang out at the beach for hours when I am free from school stuff. Lots of new people to meet and get to know, there are 100+ teachers at the High School, tons of buildings, its an open campus that requries you to walk around the 33+acre campus to get to places. Luckily the main office is somewhat central, but I pitty the person who forgets papers in their room, its to hot and hilly to walk for fun anymore with limited time between bells.
I am really loving the African dancing we do on Sat. and Sundays. its like a little community of dancers and the drummers, we all hang out afterwards, do potluck food, and hit the beaches! I do miss the family in Illinois, just b/c its wierd not seeing them at all. Its hard not knowing anyone in the grocery store, but people are friendly enough. It will come with time. I am not to worried, its just new and sometimes hard to be away. I'm sure you guys have experienced that feeling being away from family.
Heather, I have our door dec from the wedding up on my door, and it totally reminds me of your speical day. I love it so much, there is something special about seeing your own name and the memories it holds. I wish you all the best on your travels. Is it easier to "blog" or email you guys? Also, would you mind if i share bits and pieces of your comments here with my students b/c they have been asking about you guys as we keep learning about your voyage...
much love, elyse

Alex B said...

Yay! It sounds like y'all are off to a great start. Take care, and I've heard that omiboshi (sp?) plums can help with seasickness... :)
